In this field Ruth labored. Indeed, her harvesting would have been hard work—using a sickle to glean the corners of the field and picking through the field for any grain the harvesters had dropped. Ruth caught the attention of the servants because of her hard work, staying in the field from morning through the heat of the day—not even stopping long to rest "in the house" (verse 7), which was probably a tent or canopy to provide some shade in the field. Ruth has thus established a good reputation for herself. "In a small community the story of Ruth and Naomi would be common knowledge, the focus of much conversation (cf. v. 11). Now events showed Ruth hardworking (v. 7), respectful (v. 10), modest, and grateful (v. 13). The reputation we earn opens—or closes—the door of opportunity" (Bible Reader's Companion, note on verses 6, 10-11, 13). Indeed, Ruth's having sown seeds of good character was allowing her to "reap a harvest" of great reward (compare Galatians 6:7).
Great qualities of a women set by Ruth. What are the qualities to make us great young strong ladies of today's world? I'm not going to seek the answer in the media at all as they are all crap. Do comment and enlighten me.
I have been thinking about the role of a job in our lives. Why do we need to work and what significance has it in our lives? Been trying to find that our from the bible too. Say if you now have 1 million, what will you be doing and will you still work and why? I'm just trying to figure out the role of a job in our lives.
Marriage is two whole person forming a family. It is not for the lonely to find solution to their problems and loneliness. Not half plus half. Then this will be formed on shaky grounds.
THere is no perfect mate chosen for us. We are given the choice and freedom to choose. But he will help to open our eyes and help to guide us in making the right choices. First, prepare ourselves and be one whole first. When we are prepared, go for church activities and serve so as to meet people in the same belief. It is possible to choose people with different belief but they must be almost whole and teachable. But never let the person feel that the person is placed above Him. Or they will not respect Him and you.
year of exploration
Posted in travel on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 by
2011 had been very very eventful and experiencial. It's gonna be a year of milestones for me. It is already actually.
Learnt about the difficulties and extremities Vietnamese faced during the long drawn war between capitalism and communism. Glad some 2 million managed to escape to better pastures and blossom. Hope Vietnam grow from strength to strength and become a strong nation soon.
Went to Jakarta and Bali myself to visit Merry. She's always so welcoming and naturally caring. Had a really awesome time reconnecting with this sister. Felt that her talents are restricted by her parents' cautiousness. Then again they are who she can depend on.
Going to climb mount Kinabalu on 12-15 march. Been training with 140 storeys hdb to prepare for the long ascend. It's 8 km worth in displacement and 2km in height climb. We will make it!!
Europe trip with Wenny!!! Omg we just booked tickets after her manager gave the go ahead. 24 march to 5 April. Man, air tix are really expensive... $1578 but when can we find the right moment to go again!??! Next time she can always come when I'm studying there but think she needs a good long awaited trip there too! Seize the day!! Gonna spend my birthday in Paris!!!!! Omg!!! Wanna picnic and eat biscuits and cheese with wine at the park. :D so darn bliss (until the cold se us back into the buildings) haha
Broke up with Alvin and ended our 4 year relationship. It had been in my heart but I think i was hanging on. I never got the courage to do it until I put all my trust onto Him one night. It finally sparked when I was angered. I guess it was build on a wrong foundation started 4 years ago. Now we are also not ready to marry at all. Jus met him for quick lunch today and he agreed that this is a good decision for both of us. We are going our own ways and go on our own life's journey. I'm gonna discover myself and find better opportunities. Experience different facets of life. I like to live in my own perfect bubble but sometimes it's good to get out of my comfort zone. In some point in time it'll be good to understand more about the world and other culture and people's concerns. To gain wisdom, to find my direction. Seek him more too.
Crown in his glory. Bathing in his love.
Learnt about the difficulties and extremities Vietnamese faced during the long drawn war between capitalism and communism. Glad some 2 million managed to escape to better pastures and blossom. Hope Vietnam grow from strength to strength and become a strong nation soon.
Went to Jakarta and Bali myself to visit Merry. She's always so welcoming and naturally caring. Had a really awesome time reconnecting with this sister. Felt that her talents are restricted by her parents' cautiousness. Then again they are who she can depend on.
Going to climb mount Kinabalu on 12-15 march. Been training with 140 storeys hdb to prepare for the long ascend. It's 8 km worth in displacement and 2km in height climb. We will make it!!
Europe trip with Wenny!!! Omg we just booked tickets after her manager gave the go ahead. 24 march to 5 April. Man, air tix are really expensive... $1578 but when can we find the right moment to go again!??! Next time she can always come when I'm studying there but think she needs a good long awaited trip there too! Seize the day!! Gonna spend my birthday in Paris!!!!! Omg!!! Wanna picnic and eat biscuits and cheese with wine at the park. :D so darn bliss (until the cold se us back into the buildings) haha
Broke up with Alvin and ended our 4 year relationship. It had been in my heart but I think i was hanging on. I never got the courage to do it until I put all my trust onto Him one night. It finally sparked when I was angered. I guess it was build on a wrong foundation started 4 years ago. Now we are also not ready to marry at all. Jus met him for quick lunch today and he agreed that this is a good decision for both of us. We are going our own ways and go on our own life's journey. I'm gonna discover myself and find better opportunities. Experience different facets of life. I like to live in my own perfect bubble but sometimes it's good to get out of my comfort zone. In some point in time it'll be good to understand more about the world and other culture and people's concerns. To gain wisdom, to find my direction. Seek him more too.
Crown in his glory. Bathing in his love.
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