19 feb

Acts 13 :35. Paul's sermon in a synagogue.

Full and unqualified to receive the forgiveness of sins.

It's the foundation of all blessings.

Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.
It's the forgiveness that produces obedience. Without the forgiveness of sin, there is no empowerment.

Y we have all these resentment and bitterness because we do not know how forgiven we are.

You are forgiven, but you do not believe fully that you are forgiven. So the guy still goes around acting unforgiving.

Through the forgiveness of sins, comes good works. First remove sins from the conscience and it will also be dethroned in the heart, Produces repentance.

Eg. u Owe Sam 1 mil, and someone who love you so much helped you to pay the debt. Nobody tell you the message so each time u meet Sam, u feel like u r in debt, u feel like u r in a big depth. But now that I tell you, your debt was paid for, you are free. how will u feel?

While city appeared the next sabbath to hear the word of god! Acts 13:45.


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