"The Silence of Saturday"
by Max Lucado
Jesus is silent on Saturday. The women have anointed his body and placed it in Joseph’s tomb. The cadaver of Christ is as mute as the stone which guards it. He spoke much on Friday. He will liberate the slaves of death on Sunday. But on Saturday, Jesus is silent.
So is God. He made himself heard on Friday. He tore the curtains of the temple, opened the graves of the dead, rocked the earth, blocked the sun of the sky, and sacrificed the Son of Heaven. Earth heard much of God on Friday.
Nothing on Saturday. Jesus is silent. God is silent. Saturday is silent.
Easter weekend discussions tend to skip Saturday. Friday and Sunday get the press. The crucifixion and resurrection command our thoughts. But don’t ignore Saturday. You have them, too.
Silent Saturdays. The day between the struggle and the solution; the question and the answer; the offered prayer and the answer thereof.
Saturday’s silence torments us. Is God angry? Did I disappoint him? God knows Jesus is in the tomb, why doesn’t He do something? Or, in your case God knows your career is in the tank, your finances are in the pit, your marriage is in a mess. Why doesn’t He act? What are you supposed to do until He does?
You do what Jesus did. Lie still. Stay silent. Trust God. Jesus died with this conviction: “You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay” (Acts 2:27 NIV).
Jesus knew God would not leave him alone in the grave. You need to know, God will not leave you alone with your struggles. His silence is not his absence, inactivity is never apathy. Saturdays have their purpose. They let us feel the full force of God’s strength. Had God raised Jesus fifteen minutes after the death of His son, would we have appreciated the act? Were He to solve your problems the second they appear, would you appreciate His strength?
For His reasons, God inserts a Saturday between our Fridays and Sundays. If today is one for you, be patient. As one who endured the silent Saturday wrote: ”Be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord” (James 5:7 NKJV)."
BSF Genesis 3 on 11 March 2013
Posted in Bsf, genesis on Saturday, March 16, 2013 byONE
Revelation 12:7
Angels fought a war in heaven. Satan was hurled to earth.
Those who do not want to be under the Authority of god they will question reliability of the bible.
- Satan twisted god's words. He plants the idea. He lead Eve to the path. Tempted Eve.
- Eve magnifierd the strictness of god and added to god's word. She doubted the intention of god. Eve followed on and be tempted.
- Satan denies the consequence of sin. Hinting that disobedience brings advantage. Intent is bad but look like he wants to benefit Eve
- Satan appeals to her pride and Eve thought god was hiding something good from her.
- Eve want to be equal like God.
- we do not want justice unless when we are the victim.
- Eve lost sight of God's providence, her abundance. Forgot to consult her husband, forgot God's instructions and lost sight of God. Doubt god's heart.
- Adam let Satan tempt Eve and he watched. He did not remind Eve of god's will. He joined in and to deny God's word.
- it's the same way we watch and wait like Adam.
^^^ Sin takes hold when we doubt God's Word & God's heart. ^^^
- learn to listen only the voice of our Heavenly Father.
- A and E had openness, transparent and nothing to hide. They experience shame and guilt. Suddenly they remembered that they are going to die.
- yet endless times God seeks out us. He was providing a platform to repent and reconcile
- Adam blamed god. He did not even answer the question. Eve chose the will of the devil instead of god's will. Evasion of responsibility when disobedience.
- There is no condemnation in his question. God was trying to bring Adam back to confess.
- one sin leads to another
^^^ when we sin, make a beeline for God. ^^^
- we have to look to god. He graciously make provision for us. Remember the goodness of god.
Verse 14-24 : Adam & Eve Banished but Protected.
- God reveals redemption plan.
- Serpent probably was not crawling before. Before the fall, maybe animals could talk.
- genesis 3:15. Origin of all conflict in relationships. He will strike his heel - God will chase him away.
- pain - in child bearing and child rearing. Women will desire the husband. Origin of conflict and struggles in relationship.
- it was never god's intention. Sin alienate us from god. Lose intimacy with god. After the fall, it is goin to be a struggle to provide for a living and requires a great toil and suffering to bring food to the table.
- spiritually dead in sin. Adam and Eve were created to live eternally.
- we will for one day unless we choose to eat from the tree of life. We have to choose to come under the authority of god.
- meaning of Eve = Life.
- Adam believed that he can have life again. He heard the gospel.
---- God created a way and made provision and gave us the choice to choose Christ.
::: God made the skin to cover them. It takes a life to pay for the sins. To make the skin garment.
-- want us to mature spiritually to train themselves to distinguish the good from evil.
Franchising Frederick Tan 26 feb 2013
Posted in business, Franchise on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 by
Franchising Frederick Tan 26 feb
- franchise contract
- operation manual
- upfront franchise fee
- ongoing royalties
1. Trademark
2. Codified system
3. Territory
4. Term or duration
- operating systems
- formal training program
- synergy A&P
- Economies of scale
- rules
- complex legal documents
- reputation management
- limitations on products and services and offerings.
~After 3 years, learn
~After some time, they will teach and suggest ideas for promotions and marketing strategies
~ have performance clause
Differences between Franchising and Licensing
= cost of establishing and operating the business
= freedom in the opration of the business
= setup
= control and support
= exclusivity and competition
- trading area. To stay within this area.
- licensing, less defined area
- the more control u have the more franchising it is. Else, licensing.
- service related.
- educational training program
7-eleven franchise but is more like licensing.
- selling convenience
- Even when another store is nearby, it's still not so bad.
Secrets behind the Golden Arch, Macdonalds
Fish & Co vs Fish market in Mahattan
/ working on products and promotions and overall strategy.
/ don't need to be running the stores themselves.
- Gen Y
: confident, tech savvy,
: 20% economic active
Growth Segments potential
-Business consultants / services / training
- F&Beverage
- 'green' businesses (revamp buildings. solar panels)
- fitness, health and personal care
- financing (micro-financing)
Aging population so there's more emphasis on health, lifestyle and help for the aged. Products and services that they need.
>> select the right partner. Good friend doesn't mean will be good partner.
>> careful not to be pressured into taking up a franchise.
>> do a 3 year cash flow projection
>> hired a couple. Can save on housing. So both came and went together.
>> commit to the product and do not stray from it.
>> do market research first.
>> plan bonuses and incentives
---- ----- -----
Marketing Management :
Customer seg, demarcating trading area, formulating average collection period and average customer value.
Franchise Financing Management : Payback period, heat rate, and exit point and pricing your franchise.
Riches in Niches - be selective
Brand Recall -
Operational management : creating codified operational manual and systems.
Current Ratio - how to delineate COGS vs OPEX that accurately reflects annual cycles?
Profits are applause to product: how to plan and execute a budget that includes room for the joys of the business.
Franchise Setup manual - how to generate leads and acquire sales within the setup timeline
Operational manual.
Leadership Management : building a winning team, creating the great game of business.
Open book management : how to grow business using weekly huddle
Talent Management : build a sustainable team at talent using triple bottom line.
- franchise contract
- operation manual
- upfront franchise fee
- ongoing royalties
1. Trademark
2. Codified system
3. Territory
4. Term or duration
- operating systems
- formal training program
- synergy A&P
- Economies of scale
- rules
- complex legal documents
- reputation management
- limitations on products and services and offerings.
~After 3 years, learn
~After some time, they will teach and suggest ideas for promotions and marketing strategies
~ have performance clause
Differences between Franchising and Licensing
= cost of establishing and operating the business
= freedom in the opration of the business
= setup
= control and support
= exclusivity and competition
- trading area. To stay within this area.
- licensing, less defined area
- the more control u have the more franchising it is. Else, licensing.
- service related.
- educational training program
7-eleven franchise but is more like licensing.
- selling convenience
- Even when another store is nearby, it's still not so bad.
Secrets behind the Golden Arch, Macdonalds
Fish & Co vs Fish market in Mahattan
/ working on products and promotions and overall strategy.
/ don't need to be running the stores themselves.
- Gen Y
: confident, tech savvy,
: 20% economic active
Growth Segments potential
-Business consultants / services / training
- F&Beverage
- 'green' businesses (revamp buildings. solar panels)
- fitness, health and personal care
- financing (micro-financing)
Aging population so there's more emphasis on health, lifestyle and help for the aged. Products and services that they need.
>> select the right partner. Good friend doesn't mean will be good partner.
>> careful not to be pressured into taking up a franchise.
>> do a 3 year cash flow projection
>> hired a couple. Can save on housing. So both came and went together.
>> commit to the product and do not stray from it.
>> do market research first.
>> plan bonuses and incentives
---- ----- -----
Marketing Management :
Customer seg, demarcating trading area, formulating average collection period and average customer value.
Franchise Financing Management : Payback period, heat rate, and exit point and pricing your franchise.
Riches in Niches - be selective
Brand Recall -
Operational management : creating codified operational manual and systems.
Current Ratio - how to delineate COGS vs OPEX that accurately reflects annual cycles?
Profits are applause to product: how to plan and execute a budget that includes room for the joys of the business.
Franchise Setup manual - how to generate leads and acquire sales within the setup timeline
Operational manual.
Leadership Management : building a winning team, creating the great game of business.
Open book management : how to grow business using weekly huddle
Talent Management : build a sustainable team at talent using triple bottom line.
What fulfills your life?
Posted in add value, fulfilling, Life, meaning on Monday, March 4, 2013 by
Stumbled upon a very interesting blog today - minimalist.
After coaching so many people, he concluded that everyone wants to feel :
Personal growth
Contribute to others in a meaningful way
He talked about so many aspects of life and how he left his high flying job and lifestyle to get a simpler and more fulfilling one.
In this link it talks about having fulfilling relationships with friends, colleagues and partners.
"It’s easy to develop a connection with a coworker or a schoolmate or someone who’s always there—even when they’re not adding any real value to our lives. And it’s even easier to stay in those relationships. That’s because old relationships are convenient, and starting new relationships is difficult—it requires work. But so does anything worth holding on to.
We’ve all held on to someone who didn’t deserve to be there before. And most of us still have someone in our lives who continually drains us: Someone who doesn’t add value. Someone who isn’t supportive. Someone who takes and takes and takes without giving back to the relationship. Someone who contributes very little and prevents us from growing. Someone who constantly plays the victim.
First, you can attempt to fix the relationship. This is obviously the preferable solution (albeit not always possible or worthwhile). People change over time, and so do relationships. You can change how your relationship works—be it marriage, friendship, or family—without completely ditching the relationship.
Sit down with the person who’s draining the vitality from your life and explain to them what must change in order for your relationship to work. Explain that you need them to be more supportive, that you need them to participate in your growth, that they are important to you, but the relationship in its current state does not make you happy. Explain that you’re not attempting to change them as a person; you simply want to change how your relationship works."
Adding Value to other people's life
If you want people to respect you, then you must add value to their lives. Otherwise you are dead weight, you are a cancer, a parasite, a bug on a dead thing.
And we all know that that ain’t you.
There are many ways you can add value. You can…
Create something someone can use
Inspire someone to take action
Lend a helping hand
Be a shoulder to cry on
Show someone how to do something
Show someone a better way
Provide a new perspective
Lead by example
Listen more
Give your full attention
Just be there for someone
Love them
After coaching so many people, he concluded that everyone wants to feel :
Personal growth
Contribute to others in a meaningful way
He talked about so many aspects of life and how he left his high flying job and lifestyle to get a simpler and more fulfilling one.
In this link it talks about having fulfilling relationships with friends, colleagues and partners.
"It’s easy to develop a connection with a coworker or a schoolmate or someone who’s always there—even when they’re not adding any real value to our lives. And it’s even easier to stay in those relationships. That’s because old relationships are convenient, and starting new relationships is difficult—it requires work. But so does anything worth holding on to.
We’ve all held on to someone who didn’t deserve to be there before. And most of us still have someone in our lives who continually drains us: Someone who doesn’t add value. Someone who isn’t supportive. Someone who takes and takes and takes without giving back to the relationship. Someone who contributes very little and prevents us from growing. Someone who constantly plays the victim.
First, you can attempt to fix the relationship. This is obviously the preferable solution (albeit not always possible or worthwhile). People change over time, and so do relationships. You can change how your relationship works—be it marriage, friendship, or family—without completely ditching the relationship.
Sit down with the person who’s draining the vitality from your life and explain to them what must change in order for your relationship to work. Explain that you need them to be more supportive, that you need them to participate in your growth, that they are important to you, but the relationship in its current state does not make you happy. Explain that you’re not attempting to change them as a person; you simply want to change how your relationship works."
Adding Value to other people's life
If you want people to respect you, then you must add value to their lives. Otherwise you are dead weight, you are a cancer, a parasite, a bug on a dead thing.
And we all know that that ain’t you.
There are many ways you can add value. You can…
Create something someone can use
Inspire someone to take action
Lend a helping hand
Be a shoulder to cry on
Show someone how to do something
Show someone a better way
Provide a new perspective
Lead by example
Listen more
Give your full attention
Just be there for someone
Love them
2 March2013 -Is god angry with us for our disobedience?
Posted in God angry on Saturday, March 2, 2013 by
Is god angry with us for our disobedience?
For this is like the days of Noah to Me; as I swore that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth, so have I sworn that I will not be angry with you or rebuke you. (Isaiah 54:9 AMP)
这事对我就好象挪亚时代的洪水一般; 我怎样起誓不再使挪亚时代的洪水漫过大地, 我也照样起誓不向你发怒, 也不斥责你。 (以赛亚书 54:9 CNVS)
No condemnation when you are walking in grace, not because u walk in holiness.
Do you want to live a life of a higher calling? Do you want to live a life that will shame his sacrifice?
Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, prowling around to find someone to attack. (1 Peter 5:8 CEVUK)
Devil goes about like a roaring lion...
Lions creep slowly and attack. Then pounce on the victim. That's real power. The ones that roar are those without power and just to threaten and scare you away.
Bible interpret bible-
An angry king roars like a lion, but when a king is pleased, it's like dew on the crops. (Proverbs 19:12 CEVUK)
If the king is not angry with you, who is impersonating his wrath? He makes you think the king is angry with you. Always giving you a sense that the king is angry with you.
Catch this!!!!
What is the devil’s deception? The devil would have us (the world) believe that God (the king) is angry with us. Note, “the king’s wrath is like the roaring of a lion”. In Revelations 5:5 God is called a Lion, but no where in the New Testament is God referred to as a roaring lion.
The devil is LIKE a roaring lion, but he is NOT a roaring lion. God the Father is
THE lion (ruler), and He is NOT roaring. However, the devil would have us believe
God is roaring, that God is angry and wrathful.
For this is like the days of Noah to Me; as I swore that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth, so have I sworn that I will not be angry with you or rebuke you. (Isaiah 54:9 AMP)
这事对我就好象挪亚时代的洪水一般; 我怎样起誓不再使挪亚时代的洪水漫过大地, 我也照样起誓不向你发怒, 也不斥责你。 (以赛亚书 54:9 CNVS)
No condemnation when you are walking in grace, not because u walk in holiness.
Do you want to live a life of a higher calling? Do you want to live a life that will shame his sacrifice?
Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, prowling around to find someone to attack. (1 Peter 5:8 CEVUK)
Devil goes about like a roaring lion...
Lions creep slowly and attack. Then pounce on the victim. That's real power. The ones that roar are those without power and just to threaten and scare you away.
Bible interpret bible-
An angry king roars like a lion, but when a king is pleased, it's like dew on the crops. (Proverbs 19:12 CEVUK)
If the king is not angry with you, who is impersonating his wrath? He makes you think the king is angry with you. Always giving you a sense that the king is angry with you.
Catch this!!!!
What is the devil’s deception? The devil would have us (the world) believe that God (the king) is angry with us. Note, “the king’s wrath is like the roaring of a lion”. In Revelations 5:5 God is called a Lion, but no where in the New Testament is God referred to as a roaring lion.
The devil is LIKE a roaring lion, but he is NOT a roaring lion. God the Father is
THE lion (ruler), and He is NOT roaring. However, the devil would have us believe
God is roaring, that God is angry and wrathful.
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