Lord is with us

Beloved, the Lord is with you. You might not feel it. You might not see it. Your circumstances may say otherwise but THE LORD IS WITH YOU👍

The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. (Genesis 39:2 NKJV)

Joseph was in the house of His master. He was a slave. But the Bible looked Him and said that the Lord was with Him. He was still a slave, still betrayed, still stripped poor. But the very Word of God looked at Joseph and called him a SUCCESSFUL MAN because Jesus was with him.

Beloved it might be another day at the office for you & still facing the same challenges. Maybe it is still you waiting for that open door. Or it is still darkness in the prison you feel like you are held captive in. But beloved you are not alone. The Lord is with you. & He is for you!

On the surface circumstances might look bleak, hopeless, disappointing. But Jesus, your Lord, is working behind the scenes because He is for you! Your situation will turn around and you will find success because He is with you! Your situation will be so bright, full of hope, and filled with God's appointment for victory😊

The Lord is with (put your name here). And he/she is a successful man/woman😊

22 sept 2013 sermon

22 Sept 2013 sermon

Once Adam and Eve the fruit. Their consciouns will be activated. Man will not need to ask God anymore.

Peter John  Paul writes mainly to Jews brother. 

Not just against Ceremonial law but sins and laws.

Without law, can there be holiness? 
Nono no. 

Roman 6:14
Sin shall not have dominion over you (because they are under law) for you are not under law but under grace. 

Roman 7:1-14
Woman can marry another man only if the husband die for she is no longer under law. 

The law manifest the sin. Showed that man has sins within. 

It is not God's pleasure to bring the law. It was brought by a messenger and angel. Whereas when Grace is brought, God directly speak to the person. 
God knew Man. He knew Man is unwilling to accept how bad they are. Man is still trying to find goodness in ourselves.

God's requirement of sin is the same. 
Law is forever and nv die. 

So we die to the law and be born in grace spiritually. The law cannot go beyond that anymore. It does not bind me and have dominion over me anymore. I'm not under that jurisdiction anymore. Wee! 

Obedience of a servant and son is different. 

Risen - death is behind us. 
Living - death is confirmed coming.

The high life is produced by the life in us. 

Don't throw rocks at others too. 

Fruit of man is at the moment of greatest of pleasure. 

Dare - Dead and Risen Eagles.

Matthew 7:3, 5 You look at the bit of sawdust in your friend’s eye. But you pay no attention to the piece of wood in your own eye. 
You pretender! 
First take the piece of wood out of your own eye. Then you will be able to see clearly to take the bit of sawdust out of your friend’s eye. 

Focus on Christ and not your condition

1 John 4:4 
4You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

So the devil’s trick is to get you to focus on your condition. When you are conscious of the symptoms in your body and your findings, you will see sickness manifest. But God wants you to focus on who you are and what you have in Christ. When you are conscious that you are the healed in Christ, you will see healing manifest.

My friend, what you are conscious of will manifest. So be conscious of Christ, who is all the power of God inside you, and you will see that power manifest!

---- 15 Sept 2013 Sermon ----- -----

John 8:20 
He that follows me certainly not (can never) walk in darkness, but have the light of life.  

Loving one another is a sign (or fruit) of being born again. Not love one another then you'll get salvation. 

Wherever the bible is read and taught, woman is raised. Calvary is a fruit of following Christ.

Home made beauty tips

Home made body butter. 


A body butter is made by combining solid oils and butters with liquid oils. It can be shea butter, mango butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil,  jojoba oil, sesame oil
 from what I’ve read, basically you can make your body butter with any combination, as long as the proportions are 75% solid, 25% oil. I chose to work with cocoa butter and coconut oil as my solid, and sweet almond oil as my liquid. Solid coconut oil? That’s the tropics for you! I live on the equator, and for us coconut oil is always in liquid form, but it hardens easily when it’s cool (below 24 Celcius).

How to??

???? ????? ?????

Homemade Body Butter Recipe

(adapted from Wellness Mama)

Preparation time: 30 minute(s)

stars:  ★★★★★ 12 review(s)


  • 1 cup cocoa
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup sweet almond oil


  1. In a bain-marie, melt down your hard butters and oils until fully liquid
  2. In a bowl, blend together the melted butters with all of the oils and set in the freezer to harden, about 20 minutes.
  3. Once the mixture is solid again, but not too hard, whip it up using an electronic whisk, a food processor with a whisk attachment, a handheld whisk and a bit of elbow grease or your kitchen-aide (lucky!) until you have created fluffy white clouds
  4. Spoon it into a clean jar or container. It will keep for months.
  5. Slather it on!

p.s. I’m going to re-work the batch using only 75% cocoa butter and 25% coconut oil to see if I like it even more. With this batch, I used coconut oil as part of my 75% hard oil and mixed in sweet almond oil too – but because of where I live, it may be too hot to consider coconut oil “hard” Does that make sense? It may be the reason why my butter feels a bit greasy at first, and even though I love love love how it feels after, I’ll play with the recipe to make it work better for me. If it’s cold where you live – this recipe is probably fine as it is. This richness of this recipe makes it a great night-time lotion for me.  I’m telling you this because it’s always important to play with recipes to make it work for you – and just like cooking, the more you practise and work with your ingredients – the more you understand how they work and how to best use them.

Self-centered actions and results - Buddhism & Homosexuality

Self-centered conduct and own suffering

We've already seen an example of a destructive action, namely, having unprotected sex with a prostitute. Such behavior is clearly mixed with confusion about reality, naivety, and usually longing desire.

As for an example of a constructive one mixed with confusion, consider the case of the mother of a 24 year-old son who always tries to do kind things for him, such as preparing nice meals. Nurturing her son is an act of love and a constructive deed. It will ripen into her experiencing happiness and well-being. However, she also cooks for him because it makes her feel useful and needed. This is where the confusion comes in. The 24 year-old son might not want to be treated like a child who, when he doesn't come home for meals, gets accosted with "Why didn't you come home? I made such a nice meal for you. You're so inconsiderate." Her preparing the meal was mixed with the confusion of grasping at "me, me, me. I want to feel useful, I want to feel needed." Self-centered concern underlay her constructive action and kind motivation. Any happiness she might feel as a result of her kind actions will be precarious and unstable. It will never last and will never be satisfying. In addition, her self-centered motivation will inevitably bring her frustration, unhappiness, and suffering.

From Wiki: Sexual misconduct and homosexuality 

To lay people Buddha advised that they should at least avoid sexual misconduct which meant following generally accepted norms of sexual morality and behavior.

Fornication, or sex outside of marriage is seen as a violation of the Brahmacharya vow from the Five Precepts.

Some buddhist texts advise buddhists to avoid contact with third-gendered individuals and consider sames-sex relations as a sexual misconduct.

Some Buddhist leaders, like the 14th Dalai Lama and Chan master Hsuan Hua, have explicitly spoken against the act of homosexuality, which is considered harmful to the individual.


Another viewpoint about homosexuality: 

1.  The words 'personal choice' is inappropriate.  It's not a choice, it is how they feel, an instinct.  Just like ppl who are in major depression do not *choose* to be in that state

2.  As I said, ppl have conducted objective scientific research into homosexuality, whether it is more related to genetic factors, or environmental factors (eg bad parenting, psychological trauma as you alluded to), but no conclusive outcome has been reached.  I accept that.

3.  Everyone lives their life differently.  You can follow a certain path or mould which you yourself feel is right.  But you have no authority to demand that others change their ways and follow you, especially if they do not wish to and are satisfied with the way they are.  That creates strife and conflict.

What absolutely irks me is groups of people taking the moral high ground, and that everyone else who does not follow their way is *wrong*.

And if they are happy the way they are, but made unhappy when they are discriminated against or forced to change or hide, how can you objectively say that choosing to be what they are is wrong?  

Other that it being a sin because someone said so long ago.

The point is, these are individual people.  If they could choose, they probably rather live a 'normal' life.  but they cant, and many have accepted that and still live happily.  Who gives anyone the right come and tell them that they are wrong, flawed individuals? 

I don't choose whether I am attracted to males or famales.  It's my natural instinct. 

Unceasing Fruitfulness 2012 sermon

JP's website looks rather like a self-centered website than a God centered website. So much self branding And appealing to the western country audience with all the Caucasian photos.

Don't understand why you can or need to make donations to him or his cause. Kinda afraid that he will siphone all the money. 
His e-newsletter:

Dear Friend,

God has something good and fresh in store for you! 

And it's beyond what you can think or imagine. 

Earlier in the year, I told my church that regardless of what is going on in the world this year, we CAN have hope (a confident expectation of good) because the Lord has said that this is a year of unceasing fruitfulness! 

Beloved, I want you to know that this encouragement is also for you! 

God doesn't want you to live in fear. You can be in the midst of a famine and still see a steady flow of God's provision. 

The world is searching for answers everywhere—except from the Word of God. But let us look expectantly at what God's Word says. 

In Jeremiah 17:5-8, God shows us the difference between the cursed and the blessed man.

"...Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited."

—Jeremiah 17:5-6, KJV

The cursed man trusts in fallible man and self—he relies on the ungodly counsel of the world; he depends completely on his own self-efforts—and has no heart for the Lord or His Word. 

But the sad truth is—if you trust in man or flesh, you limit your life to only what man and flesh can do. 

I don't want you to experience these limitations on your life. God has a higher and better way for you! 

Let's go to the Bible's description of the blessed man...which is who God says you are in Christ Jesus!

"Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, andthat spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit."

—Jeremiah 17:7-8, KJV

Because of Jesus and the divine exchange at the cross, today you are this blessed man or woman. Like the "tree planted by the waters", you will not fear when heat comes. Heat may come, but when you (the blessed person) go through the heat, you don't feel it because your trust and hope are in the Lord. Like the disciple Peter who kept his eyes on Jesus, you will rise above the storm and walk on water. 

Even in the midst of a drought, your leaf will be fresh and green. You will always be in the best of health, always youthful, fresh, and strong! 

Unceasing fruitfulness is God's promise for you!

When life becomes hard or when you feel like you've lost all your strength to stand against the difficult circumstances that you are in, see yourself like that tree—evergreen, strong, healthy, and always bearing fruit. 

Beloved, the key to living life as the blessed man is to put your hope and trust in the Lord. Whatever your challenges, Jesus is the solution! You put your hope and trust in Him by looking away from your negative circumstances and going to His Word instead for your answer. 

As you delight in, and meditate on God's Word, I encourage you to savor the beauty, the love and the grace of our Lord Jesus and hold on to His wonderful promises for you. That's how you put your trust in the Lord and hope in Him. That's how you'll find His perfect love and grace driving out every fear and anxiety. And that's how you walk as the blessed of the Lord. 

I promise you, not only will there be such a strong sense of rest and peace in your heart, but you'll also experience His wisdom and leading to do the right thing at the right time. You'll see His favor explode in your areas of need, and you'll experience good success in those areas without the stress that comes with trusting in man or your own limited resources. 

Remember, even if the world is experiencing drought or famine, for YOU, it's going to be a year where you will be evergreen with unceasing fruitfulness as you meditate on the One who has done it all for you and will never fail you! 

Experiencing His unceasing fruitfulness, 



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