Five Tips to Creating Videos That Build Brand and Drive Sales

Storytelling through video has become part of the required content marketing toolkit for brands looking to create awareness in their market. Old Spice, for example, sought to refresh a sleepy brand; Jack Dorsey launched a whole new product category with Square Cash; and Red Bull created a movement with its "Gives You Wings" campaign.
The power of video to move consumers to act has played out nicely in the numbers. YouTube users watch more than 6 billion hours of video per month; that's up 50% over last year according to YouTube execs. Meanwhile, Cisco predicts that two-thirds of the world's mobile traffic will be video by 2016. So, clearly, this ship isn't sinking any time soon.

Short-format videos are in
Let's start with the short-format videos being used on platforms such as Vine and Instagram. They're hot, they're new, and users are flocking to them in droves. Some 59% of the world's top brands are now active on Instagram alone, according to Simply Measured.
What's great about these platforms is that they allow you to tell visual stories in the form of "content snacks," or bite-sized bits of engagement. Much as Twitter has done for microblogging, these platforms force short-form storytelling by limiting the length of the video clip to mere seconds. They also seem much more conducive to sharing, and they're perfect for branding.

"Brand vines are shared 4x more than other online videos," Heather Taylor, a vice-president at Ogilvy, claims. Furthermore, 40% of the most shared 15-second videos are marketing efforts, Unruly Media found in a recent study. Here are some examples:

GE's 6-Second Science

Lowe's Fix in 6

The GoPro3 Adventure Series


Regardless of form or viewing device, video is an ideal medium to engage, inform, and entertain prospective buyers and clients.
Here's what you need to know to get in on the action.

1. Understand the difference between a conversion video and a brand-building, engagement video
According to a recent Wordtracker post featuring Poo Pouri video ad director Joel Ackerman, "There are two main types of videos a business will want to make. Conversion videos are designed to drive sales, whilst engagement videos can work well to get people to subscribe to a YouTube channel."
Don't confuse the two. If what you need to do is drive sales, make sure your video strategy has that goal clearly defined. Otherwise, you could end up spending hard-earned cash on awareness videos without ringing the register.

2. Make your videos accessible
Half of executives look for more information after seeing a product or service in a video, according to Forbes. With that in mind, it's crucial that you make your videos accessible and thus sharable, so that you can get your message out in the wild.
The easiest way to do so is to create branding and sales-related videos for promotion on open discovery platforms, such as YouTube, Facebook, and Vine. There are also a host of other opportunities where video can be very effective:
  • Product detail pages
  • Testimonials
  • Emails
  • Landing pages
  • Thank you pages
  • Support documentation
3. Tell great stories
In the words of social media wunderkind Gary Vaynerchuk, "The story is the game. What you have to understand is that storytelling is the way you build a brand. And storytelling is not dictating your story in a press release. Storytelling is a give and take."
The most compelling messages come from the questions you should be asking yourself: What is my brand's narrative? What experience am I promising? What is the human element that my product or service represents that sets it apart from every other widget on the market?
You can't persuade people to buy something they don't care about. So what is it about the product that moves them? All successful videos have that in common: the ability to tell stories that make you feel something.

4. Know your audience
Understanding the personas that gravitate to your product will let you know how far you can push the boundaries, to whom you should be targeting your message, and, most important, whom you can ignore. One of the pitfalls of mass appeal is mediocrity. If you try to speak to everyone the same way, no one will pay attention.

Learn from the following great examples:

Dove's Real Beauty Sketches

Evian's Baby & Me

Kmart's Show Your Joe

5. Be bold and make a statement
So maybe you're still on the fence. Maybe you think everything has been done with marketing videos to build brand recognition and the rest is bandwagon waste. But here are a few successful product videos that clearly push the boundaries of humor, comfort, and, depending on your perspective, taste. The takeaway is that you have to do something to be seen above the noise; just make sure it works for your brand and your audience, or you could risk alienating customers important to your bottom line.

Bad Breath Test

Diary of a Dirty Tongue

Girls Don't Poopβ€”

Let me know what's working for you and what you think of the videos by leaving a comment below. I'll be sure to respond. Happy video marketing!

Read more:

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Best times to share content
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Singapore Map and Social Networking Statistics

Light of our days - bread

πŸš•πŸš—πŸš™ Have you ever looked out of the car window at night? And realised that in safe safe Singapore, there's a lamppost every 2 metres or less. So that when a light bulb fuses, it's OK! Our cars can still continue along our merry way.

But have you ever gone on a road where there are no traffic lights? 🚦I have! I remember thinking OMG this is madness. I was in Medan, Indonesia. And we only had ONE light source -- the car headlights. Even if the lights are super powerful, it can only shine straight - light doesn't bend. In the pure darkness, my eyes could only see as far as the headlights shone. I was completely dependent on the light! 

Psalm 119:105
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."

Beloveds, like the car headlight that directed my way, Jesus is a Light for our paths. Sometimes we will panic, we will fear, because we cannot see far ahead! What will happen in the next meeting? What is my life 5 years from now? Will this season change??

And you know what? That is OK. All is well! Because the Lord has promised that "My grace is sufficient for you." What we are seeing in our lives now, is exactly what we need to see! Nothing more, nothing less. Live in the knowing that, Jesus, His grace is more than enough for you! And that no matter how little the light might seem, how little you might know or see, no amount of darkness can extinguish the Light of our Saviour!

Facebook help – Master resource list

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Below is a list of important links to know and bookmark anytime you need Facebook help.
This list of Facebook Help resources covers everything from Facebook Profiles, Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, Events, Facebook mobile, Facebook Ads, along with a few interesting links for reporting abusive content and more.
Be sure to bookmark this blog post so that you have all of these forms accessible.

Facebook help – Master resource list

Facebook Account

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Facebook Account – Disabled

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Facebook Account – Children

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Facebook Account – Name issues

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Facebook Account – Business and Merchant requests

This section covers general Facebook account issues related to business and merchant requests.

Facebook Charge and Payment issues

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Facebook Email issues

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Facebook Identity Issues

This section covers general Facebook identity issues.

Facebook Sign-up and Login

Do you have sign-up or login issues with your Facebook account? This section covers issues with signing up or logging in to Facebook.

Facebook Ads

Have questions about Facebook Ads or want to report a Facebook Ad? This form can help you with Facebook Ads.

Facebook Apps

Did you find a Facebook App that is infringing on  your rights as a Facebook user? You can report Facebook Apps.

Facebook Chat

If you have issues with Facebook Chat, here are the different forms you can use to submit them to Facebook.

Facebook Contacts

If you have issues with Facebook Contacts, here are the different forms you can use to submit them to Facebook.

Facebook Contests

If you have a Facebook Page and want to run contests and giveaways, be sure to read through the requirements for running a contest on Facebook.

Facebook Feedback

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Facebook Friends

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Facebook Games

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Facebook Groups / Facebook Events

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Facebook Help

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Facebook Logos

Not sure if you’re allowed to use a Facebook logo? This section covers Facebook logo guidelines.

Facebook Messages

If you experience issues with Facebook Messages, you can report them to Facebook using this form.

Facebook Mobile

If you experience issues with using Facebook Mobile, this set of forms can help you report them to Facebook so that they can be fixed.

Facebook News feed

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Facebook Notes

If you ever experience issues with using Facebook Notes, you can submit your issues to Facebook with these forms.

Facebook Notifications

Are you not receiving Facebook notifications? You can notify Facebook about issues with Facebook notifications using this collection of Facebook help forms.

Facebook Pages

Having an issue with your Facebook Page? This collection of Facebook help forms can help you resolve many of your issues with Facebook Pages.

Facebook Photos / Facebook Videos

Do you have trouble uploading Facebook photos and videos or with content disappearing? Submit your Facebook Photos and Facebook Videos issues to Facebook using these forms.

Facebook Privacy

This collection of forms can be used to report privacy issues to Facebook.

Facebook Profile

If you experience issues with your Facebook Profile, you can get Facebook help by submitting one of the following forms.

Facebook Reporting

This collection of forms can be used to report issues to Facebook.

Facebook Search

Is Facebook Search not working for you? You can report Facebook Search issues using this collection of helpful forms.

Facebook Timeline

If Facebook Timeline is not working right for you, you can get help with Facebook Timeline. This collection of forms offers one for submitting general issues to Facebook as well as one for a Facebook Timeline that is not displaying.

Facebook Usernames

This collection of Facebook help forms can help you create a Facebook username or report a naming issue.

Miscellaneous Facebook Forms

Don’t see the list of Facebook help forms that you need? This is a collection of Facebook forms and documents not listed above.
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Sermon - 9 Feb 2014

9 Feb 2014

We are the child of God. Our identity is in Christ. 

-- -- 
We who are nothing, made ourselves everything.

Jesus who had everything, made himself nothing. He created the still expanding universe. He who hold all things together. 

God who gives you breath can take away your breathe anytime. 

Jesus came to give and not to show off.

-- --

The Pharisees knew that Jesus was kind.

If He said to stone her, He would 

If He said to not stone her, the pharicees would quote the Moses's law and 

Jesus was giving them time to change their minds.

God wrote the law on the stone  during Moses's time. Now Jesus wrote on the stone using His fingers.

Jesus stood down twice.
First time the commandments. Tell ppl that He knows the law and was the one when have the law.
Second time,  

Jeremiah 17:13 

The POWER of gospel is: 
There is no more condemnation. 
Now, go and sin no more. 

- not that when you sin no more then you dont get condemnation. 

Jesus paid the price for her sin. Later when he is hung on the cross.

When people are so legalistic, they cannot appreciate and notice when good come, when Jesus walked through them.

"In the midst"
Some people put sin in the midst, but we should put Jesus in the midst instead. 

BSF 0- 10 Feb 2014

BSF 10 Feb
Is God there?

DIV 1)

Is bible a book or many books?
Collection of 66 writings. Written by 40 human but truely by one author. 
Across all the books, it is consistent. One story of Jesus Christ. God and his grace and mercy. About God revealing himself. Without error, all true stories. God cannot lie. 

Does the bible have many authors? 

The bible is a treasure book hymn

-------- ----- 
Points of discussion about the Bible: 
A) intellect and belief 
B) Interest and relevance
C) Authority and choice

Science - always coming up with new theories. They then disprove the previous theories. Man's discovery.

Bible never ever needed to be revised. 
Pontius Pilot - always thought or could not prove that this man existed. in 1961, then discover the plague with his name. 

Intellect accepts the logic. Mind can choose to reject the ideas. 
Faith - Not just withoout foundation. it's on facts that are true from generations to generations. 

Fear that at the end of the road, there is no God. Or there is nothing there. 

Status of women has been elevated where Bible has been to.
Stopping slavery in USA.

Many people called bible oppressive, restrictive and not relevant anymore.

A fool's wrath is quickly and openly known, but a prudent man ignores an insult. (Proverbs 12:16 AMP)

!!!!#### To a willing mind and a sincere heart, God can be found.  ###!!! 

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, β€œand will bring you back from captivity. (Jeremiah 29:13, 14 NIV)

------ ------ 
DIV 2)
The gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew

Matthew was a Tax collector and people don't like them. Corrupt. 

Jesus called him to be one of the disciple. Jesus wanted Matthew to heal from the inside. He personally participated in the walk, the persecution and the resurrection. 

Matthew was writing to Jewish community elites. Probably read to the ppl at the times☝. 

Overlooked this humble Jew. The Jews did not recognize Him. Matthew was trying to show Jews that Jesus is the messiah. He referred 9 times and quoted the prophets. 
Kingdom of Heaven - 52 times
Invite us to His kingdom. Call us individually. 
Active thing to reciprocate and find out. 

!!!!#### The one who answers Jesus' invitation will glorify God and be truely satisfied. ### !!! 

---- ------

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband. (Proverbs 12:4 ESV)


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