Sermon - 9 Feb 2014

9 Feb 2014

We are the child of God. Our identity is in Christ. 

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We who are nothing, made ourselves everything.

Jesus who had everything, made himself nothing. He created the still expanding universe. He who hold all things together. 

God who gives you breath can take away your breathe anytime. 

Jesus came to give and not to show off.

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The Pharisees knew that Jesus was kind.

If He said to stone her, He would 

If He said to not stone her, the pharicees would quote the Moses's law and 

Jesus was giving them time to change their minds.

God wrote the law on the stone  during Moses's time. Now Jesus wrote on the stone using His fingers.

Jesus stood down twice.
First time the commandments. Tell ppl that He knows the law and was the one when have the law.
Second time,  

Jeremiah 17:13 

The POWER of gospel is: 
There is no more condemnation. 
Now, go and sin no more. 

- not that when you sin no more then you dont get condemnation. 

Jesus paid the price for her sin. Later when he is hung on the cross.

When people are so legalistic, they cannot appreciate and notice when good come, when Jesus walked through them.

"In the midst"
Some people put sin in the midst, but we should put Jesus in the midst instead. 



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