Abraham's stop at Haran
Posted in bible on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 byBsf 13 - 19 May 14
Posted in Bsf, jesus on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 by1. Parable of sower (or soils)
=== every human is responsible to hear receive and act upon God's word. ===
2. Kingdom's secrets
==== Continued rejection of God's word results in removal of opportunity to receive it. ====
3. Parable of weeds
=== Counterfeits will be recognized and be removed from Christ's church ====
Bsf 10 -5 May 14
Posted in Bsf, jesus on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 byMatthew 9
1) Jesus calls and sends.
Essential, rewarding, fulfilling.
- stress the cost of following him. Meant full obedience, renounce all our own plans.
- necessity, reward and the purpose of following Christ.
- Jesus heals because he loves them. He looked at them with more than a casual glance. Had compassion. Gut wrenching compassion for their needs. Because they were harassed, helpless like sheep without Shepard. Lost in spiritual sense not the physical needs. Call the disciple to pray. 9:30
- the Pharisees were to look after God's people. But Pharisees harassed and did not take Care of them well.
- in touch with God, aligning ourselves with the mind of Christ. Getting to know God, not necessary getting the answer.
- Jesus knew The solution which is his father. 10:42
- Jesus had been praying the whole night before choosing these disciples.
- parallel to the 12 tribes of Israel. They are chosen and not that disciples ask Jesus to be part of the discipleship.
- give them authority to do His work and glory to Him too.
- Disciples face rejection too but not persecution. 14:00
- kingdom of heaven is near.
- freely give as they have receive freely. This joy that they cannot contain in there selves, will help to spread the gospel. Power of Christ. Able to be the channel to give. Not profit from God's people. 18:00
- do we give freely to God's people or grudgingly?
- be with worthy people. Not be with the bad people else people may slander them. Say that they are mixing with bad company.
- act of disdain
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues. (Matthew 10:16, 17 NIV)
- be sharp as wolf yet innocent as sheep.
- be true to others. Ethical. Integrity. 24:00
==== Jesus prepares and equips that He calls for service. ====
He is The Lord preparing us?
Have a community of people to follow.
2) Jesus warns and reminds.
- day of Pentecost
- accept responsibility, as we develop to be more like Christ. 37:00
- is HS in us enough for us?
- lose our life for Christ sake?
- had the peace of God, even at the face of danger and death.
Lose your life, find our life. 38:00
Inherit eternal life.
==== Jesus promised eternal reward and God's loving presence to those persecuted and who stand for Him & His people. ====
What are we holding onto instead of holding up the cross? 43:00
Anything anyone? Ambition?
Marks the discipleship of Christ.
Bsf 9-14 Apr 14
Posted in Bsf, jesus on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 by1) Healing
Leprosy, never doubt the power and authority of The Lord to help us. "If it is according to your will, you will heal me."
- Not our asking that determines our answer but his divine will.
- Jesus decided to touch him instead. A word would do actually. Shows his love and personal.
- first realise our need to be healed. Heal spiritually, heal the soul.
- not his real purpose of his time here on earth. To save but not to heal.
- preparing her ground. Send the leprosy to tell others.
- centurion -- harsh on Jews. "Lord". He brought someone else's need. Presented the need. 6:30
- he knows that he is not worthy, he know the power that Jesus has. Huge statement of faith.
- saw that Jesus has the same authority of God.
- faith is believe and acting upon it.
- 8:40 centurion has greater faith than the Jews and even the teachers of the law.
- unbelieving Jews will be thrown outside. Excluded because of the lack of faith.
- Jews are Too entrenched in their own traditions.
- He takes initiative, Mother wait on Jesus and his disciples. New found life to be patient and to serve.
When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. (Matthew 8:16 NIV)
There are instances when he did not heal. His intention is to heal the spiritual healing. Sin has damaged our spiritual body.
- the One who gives life - Christ himself. 13:00
- sickness could be for greater glory.
- only the touch of Jesus and word of Jesus can give life.
- demons also know the authority of Jesus. But it is the following, to surrender to Jesus, love Jesus.
====== Only Jesus has the authority to make us whole again. ======
- Joyful. Able to do things that we can not do before.
- can we bring what we need in front of Him.
- not accepting only in the mind. We have to repent, have faith only thru Jesus Christ. 17:00
- purpose in life.
- caring touch of our Lord.
- do not go back on disbelieve. Commitment to follow the faith. Demons did not have.
Jesus is not only willing but able to heal and cleanse the poor and hurt. Caring God. 19:32 This is the God that we can out our faith in.
2) Following
- Dont so quickly promise to follow. There will be hardships and discomfort.
- Stop giving excuses. Spiritual terms, let those who are dead in spiritual reality, bury themselves.
- You are alive to me. Follow me now.
- initial enthusiasm is not enough to follow Jesus. Quiet determination to follow him everyday. Not by convenience.
- Been living a dead life anyway, new master is Jesus, he has now life.
- God has power, authority over our lives and frees us from fear.
=== Acknowledging Jesus' authority in their lives help disciples follow Him despite the cost. ===
- knowing the cost, despite that, continue to follow 27:00 leave everything behind us,
- degree of commitment, expects not conditional discipleship. All or nothing.
3) Freeing
- waves can be as high as 20ft. Fisher men's knew the danger of the storm,
- suddenly they it realised that He has authority over nature. Person that we can rely on in any and all circumstances. 32:00 who is this Jesus of Nazareth.
- Jesus knows our thoughts and intentions. He controls the storm in nature and in our troubled hearts.
- Power of Jesus Christ chase the spiritual attacks demons away. Demons are terrified of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
- demons didn't think that they need to commit and repent. Knowledge is not enough. 35:00
=== The authority of Jesus frees believers from fear and from the forces of evil. ===
- Jesus cares for all individuals. he wants to heal their soul. Heart of our lord is different from that of demons.
- they will know the life who it belongs to.
- Miracles Wonders point to Jesus's deity. Emphasizing the responses to the miracles. Do we respond with greater faith?
He will drive away fear and more fear.
- Pigs are gone, the sources of income is gone. Don't want to change the status quo.
- want to keep the material life than the tragedies of the others. Comfort.
- He is the promised one. Not just One who can perform miracles. 42:00