Bsf 13 - 19 May 2914

 BSF 13 - Parables

Matthew 13

Parables challenge then personally to examine their lives. 
Jesus knew that most people were indifferent to His message when it conflicted with their presumptions. 
Jesus called the parables' contents "secrets of the kingdom of heaven." 
Though people hear with their physical ears, they chose not to respond with their hearts - with their inner beings. 
Parable of the soils revels the different responses of different hearts and lives to God's word. 
Four soils 1. Lose, kill, choke or 4. receive the seed
God holds each of us responsible not only for the truth we hear, but also for every opportunity He gives us to hear the truth. 

Not all produces fruit. The farmer would know. 
Farmer is God. Seed was His message. 

Resistance may stem from individual pride, cultural pride that sees no need to know God. 
Resistance is the result of living immorally and refusing any word from God that calls for change. 
God did not say that we will not encounter sufferings. But that He will be with us no matter what and to rely on Him.



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